new tank, coral, agressive, invertibrates, opimions apreciated



I have a new tank and i am trying to figure out exactlly which fish i want to put in it. I would like to hear some opinions from others. what kind of tank do you have and why should i do something similar. My tank is a 30gal tall with 45lb Lr and 1 damsel which i dont really care about. I am interested in agressive fish, but i think my tank may be too small. what about invertibrates or maybe a reef tank. how big do dwarf lions get.
Thanks for any info you have :eek: :D


My vote is a reef. But I'm sure you could swing the dwarf in that size tank. Off hand I can't think of anything aggresssive that would go (assuming your thinking along the lines of triggers or eels.) You can do lots of things with it but to get the most out of it I say go reef.
Good Luck


New Member
I have a 110 gallon reef tank and I am building a 400 gallon swim tank (fish only). I love my reef tank and could not live without it. I am building a swim tank cause I love alot of fish that are not reef safe, and that like to eat inverts. Almost all inverts are reef safe so if you want to have inverts do a reef you wont regret it. You can have alot of fun with a 75 reef. But go shoping for fish it will help you decide what you want to do. www.***********.com is a good place to start shoping they have alot of info about fish. If you do a reef check out you'll spend a some time learning about reefs and the best way to start them.
I'll check back so if anyone knows of any other sites please share.


what exactlly does a reef tank mean. could you explain a little further


Reef tank means you will have coral. To get coral you need strong lighting, not usually the standard light that comes with the tank can be used for coral. YOu could also have comunity fish. LIke clowns, gobies, wrasses, dwarf angels, and inverts like shrimps and crabs. If you go comunity you wont have to spend more money on the lights since the fish dont need light to live.


Hummm good question
"what exactlly does a reef tank mean"
Well IMO a ref tank mean you have corals as the focus of the tank and that you design the rest of the tank around being able to grow and display corals. Which of course means you can't have fish which feed on the corals or in some way kill off the corals or the inhabitantas of a coral reef setup?
usually a fish only tank focuses on fish, and usually has fish as the center piece. These tanks are often setup diffierently than reefs, (but don't have to be) as fish have slightly different requirements as corals.
While the outcome of both tanks is long-term survival and general well being of the inhabitants getting there is different.
Dwarf fuzzies max out around 5-7 inches. They are reef safe, but i call them reef limiting instead, be aware that a lion fish will eat anything which fits into its mouth. So no small fish, or moving crabs or shrimps. Thats their limit