NEW TANK! Cycle Help! Newbie Stuff!


Hi i recently got a 24 Gal JBJ Nano Cube for a present. I have never set up a saltwater tank. I have had a couple fresh water tanks with oscars, goldfish, etc. in em.
My question is how do i cycle the tank? My local store owner suggested to put live sand: approx 30lbs, live rock approx 10-15 lbs (or what i can afford), and a couple of damsels. then let it cycle for approx 3 -4 weeks. is there any other things i need to buy for the tank? from what i read the nano cube is basically ready to use out of the box.
Any suggestions?
i'm looking to make this a reef tank. how many fish would i be able to hold in in this tank including some coral?
thanks in advance!


Active Member
Most members on this site will recommend that you not use live fish to cycle the tank but instead throw in a piece of grocery store raw shrimp. This will serve the same purpose and get the bio load going. Any live fish you use will just be sacrificed and die during the ammonia and nitrite cycle... If you use live sand you will have a head start with the "good" bacteria. I like to throw in a packet of "Bio Spira Marine" which is live beneficial bacteria that is kept in the lfs refridgerators. Its a bit pricey...around $29 per package (for 90 gallon tank) but is really good stuff. with a small tank such as yours, you may never see ammonia or nitrite is you use bio spira because it may be enough to "instantly" cycle a small tank. but I would still ride it out with a piece of shrimp and watch the tanks parameters for a few weeks before adding fish, and then add very slowly.


Active Member
Don't use damsels or any other live animal to cycle the tank. The water is toxic with ammonia and nitrites which is harmful to the fish. You can use a uncooked shrimp to cycle the tank. Throw it in and let the tank cycle for around 4-weeks or until the ammonia and nitrites reach 0.
The number of fish will depend on the size of fish you select.


To cycle the tank, I prefer to use uncured LR. You should,nt use fish, they more then likely wont survive. 3 fish at the most for a beginner. I have sucessfully kept 6 fish in a 20 gl, but thats not recommended. It also depends on the size of the fish. IMO, a couple clown gobies would look good with a percula clown. You could keep quite a few corals in that tank. Soft corals do well in those tanks. You will have to do regular water changes and top offs on SW tanks. It is recomended that you do a 10% water change each week. Just keep doing research and asking questions, there is still quite a bit you need to learn. This is an extremly fun and interesting hobby. Have fun and good luck. Hope this helps.


also should i put hermits and snails in the tank while its cycling.
thanks for all the great info and advice :joy: :joy:


New Member
Originally Posted by turbonerd
should i get my water from the store or make my own. mind you that i have never made saltwater before.
Make your own, but make sure you have an adequate salt mix. You also probably want to use RO/DI water which is bought from the store or made using a RO/DI unit.


KING I dissagree on that one. IMO starting out if they are not going to use any live org. ALWAYS use lfs salt water. Then ask how to do it. buy RO water for the evaporation. Do weekly water changes after adding raw shrimp. No crabs yet!
WELCOME! Good Luck! And enjoy!!!