Active Member

I'm new and wanted to get the professionals opinion for my quesitons. So here it goes...
What I am looking to do, after extensive research: I want to keep soft corals, live rock & sand, anemones and clams(not sure). Fish: Percula Clown are the only fish I have selected so far(open for suggestions)
Question: Do I have the right equipment?
Oceanic 215 72X24X29
Oceanic glass lids
200 lbs of live sand
2 Coralife P/C's 36"
SLS prem 200
Super Mag 1200
Not sure how much life rock yet.
Sea Life Proteine Skimmer
Ebo Jage heater
surge protector(do I need if I have a 30amp dedicated circuit?) sorry do not know electric.
42" stand
I bought this as a reef package so I may have missed one or more of the components
Does anyone have any experience with this tank size?
Any suggestions are greatly appreciated!!!!!