New tank, floval 304 and seaclone 100 protein skimmer



I have so far chosen a floval 304 filter system and a seaclone 100 protein skimmer; this is for a 55 gallon tank. What's everyone think about choices so far? THANKS!! :happyfish


Active Member
they are loud? thats not good...i was planning on putting it in my tank in my bedroom...oy vey!


Originally Posted by chadman
they are loud? thats not good...i was planning on putting it in my tank in my bedroom...oy vey!
You are going to hate having that tank in your bedroom. No matter what pumps you get, they are all too loud for my bedroom!
I have a 26 gallon with a AquaC Remora (Mag 1200 pushing water into it) in my den and it is a little annoying sometimes.
I have a 250 gallon in my living room and I can hear the gentle humm of the 3 little giants in my bedroom, but it is so low that it is almost soothing.
Just something to think about.
Good Luck!


I had a seaclone 100 and I was forever adjusting the flow because it quit making bubbles if the water level went down any. It seemed to do the job, I just didn't like having to adjust the air flow all the time. The valve on the end of the air intake seems to be the culprit. The air inlet valve also clogs up on a weekly basis, or at least mine did...