New tank, Flow question


Ok, my 68 gallon has been doin way to good, so of course I got the itch to upgrade. I will be getting a 125g glass aquarium w/ built in overflows in a week and a half. The question is:
1) What pump should I get to return from the sump
2) would 2 rio 2100's and 2 402 powerheads be enough circulation inside of the tank.
I know this is a setup question, but since it will be a reef tank I wanted to post it here. :D
Thanks in advance


Active Member
ive got a little giant external return pump on my 135, and it friggin rocks. it is teed off and ran via 3/4 inch tubing to twosea swirls, which oscillate the return line, and thus i have no need for any extra ph's etc inside the tank! I would try doing soemthign like this, well at least with the little giant return anyway!
good luck


Seems most people don't like rios. I have never had any bad experiences with them, but personally use a magnum. Magnum seems the pump of choice, from what I've read, but there are a lot of opinions out there. Typical rule seems atleast 10x turnover in tank.


Active Member
I too have a 125 from AGA with twin overflows. I'm using a mag 12 and it does fine. They estimate 600-700 gph from the overflows depending on the rest of the plumbing. Figure out your head height (rise from pump to return point in the tank) and then choose a pump in that range.
Good Luck. You'll love the 125.


Hey jon, what size little giant are you using? I am debating on using that or a mag, leaning more towards the little giant. I probably can't use sea swirls because the returns are inside and the sea swirls clamp to the top of the tank. Is there anything you'd recomend in their stead?