NEW Tank just Arrived


Active Member
My new 125g dual overflow tank arrived today. What a whirlwind of activitie getting everything installed and done. Painted the back of the tank so that I would have a black back. Specs are 125g Dual overflow All-Glass tank, 40g sump, 5g sump within the sump (expalined later), 1650gph @ 4ft external coralife pump, 225 Needlewheel Skimmer, 3x250mh's and 4x96 actinics (will arrrive next week) 150lb of LS, 300lb of Fiji LR. 3x 1200Maxi-Jet powerheads and wavemaker. This will be a SPS & LPS tank and is installed behind the counter of my retail store I'll explain the sump within a sump in next posting. Tomorrow is water and salt mixing day



Active Member
Sump within a sump......Coralife Needwheel skimmers are very sensitive to water heigth fluctuations. In my 40g sump I put a 5g tank and put the skimmer inside the 5g tank. Both overflows feed into the 5g tank which will overflow into the sump. Reason for this is that no matter what the evaporation, the water level will stay constant within the 5g tank and I won't have to worry about overflowing the collection cup. Because this is in one of my retail stores, I won't always be there to take care of the tank and might go for a day or two between visits (I own multiple stores and spend time at each one). Second and third photos show the before and after I painted the back of the tank, photo was taken inside the back room of one of my stores, not my home



Active Member
40g sump will also have a LS bed and refugium. Part of the reason I wanted such a large sump was that I organize group buys for my local reef club and when orders come in we need a place to stash the bags of fish and keep the temp correct. Stand is cherry finish.


cool set up :) wish i had room for something like that. You own retail sotres? rock on. You drop ship stuff? Looking for a tiny-small reef safe bleanie particulart twin spot or seawead. and can't find one OL that has a decent shiping rate or low min order.


Active Member
Looks good!!!!!! Only thing make sure you get the power strip up off the bottom......What kind of skimmer are you running?


Active Member
The powerstrip will be mounted on the wall with drip lines on all electrical. Skimmer is Coralife Needlewheel. Just got done adding 40 gallons of water from grocerie store (Distilled RO) which filled it up about 1/3. Added the salt and will add another 40 gallons tomorrow. This is tank 1 of 3!!!!!!!!! I have 2 more 125's on order and they should arrive in about 2 weeks. I'm like a kid in a candy store...Decided to upgrade the PH's to Tunze and a controller, still trying to figure out which reactor I want, any thoughts?


Active Member
Geo makes a nice reactor along with MRC; MyReefCreations.....Are the other 2 tanks going to be salt as well?


New Member
Great looking set up Max!
BTW, I never heard back from James.
Send more photos when you get it up and running.


Where are you getting your tanks from? Locally, online? If online what site? I'm still researching for my 150+ tank and could use some hard figures to write down.


Active Member
I have a Coralife Aqualight Pro 72" 3x250mh and 4x96 actinic fixture that was planned for the tank. I like the high teck look of those fixtures. But, the more I look at the tank I'm thinking I may change it over to a retrofit and order the hood and then install 4 fans. Just not sure but have to make up my mind in a day or two before the light ships.


Ill send you an email after work today... won't be getting home until about 11pm long day!


Active Member
The Coralife light sets are neat how there put together, but the fans have a tendency to quit working....I've seen that happen on quite a few of those units and at the price they fetch it shouldn't be happening.


Active Member
Wow, I've never heard of that happening.....Thanks for the heads up and I'll keep and eye out for problems.