New Tank- New Life


I posted a few days ago my confusion over being a week into a new tank and never having seen an ammonia spike. Well, here we are 5 days later and still haven't seen any ammonia, and we're seeing hitchhikers coming out to play.
Two days ago we discovered what seems to be 2 small feather dusters, yesterday some kind of tube worm, and today we look and low and behold there's a snail crawling around in there!
OK, getting excited about a snail is somewhat amateuristic, but A) We didn't put him in there, and B) He survived being out of the water, and being in icy freshwater, not to mention if the tank did cycle he went through that.
Tough little

We're going to take some water to the LFS this weekend for testing, if all seems good a CUC and maybe hardy fish or three will be coming home with us.


just my two cents, even though you are seeing inhabitants coming out, albeit small, and your testing comes out great, don't overload your system all at once. Get your CUC wait a while, then get couple fish, and go from there. I like the boy scout mentality, better to be safer than sorry, and the slower you go, you will know what your tank can handle.


No, no, we're going to go slow, the only reason we'd even consider more than one fish at this point is for those breeds that need to go in 2 or 3 at the same time. I was an Eagle Scout. 150 years ago.