new tank owner here. please help



I am very new to the aquarium owning experience but i was able to get a 135 gallon tank from a good friend of mine. It came with two metal halide bulbs (I dont know what wattage) and i purchased two 48" "blue" vho light bulbs. Its powered by a hamilton unit that doesnt have much information on the cover.
is there anyone that knows how i can find out the power of the halides?
Also, I have major diatoms problems i think (brown stuff all over my frekken tank) and some of the live rock i purchased is turning white... i tried to see if i can scrape some of the white stuff off but i cant. is this a major problem?
And one more thing... i had a great piece of coral.. (left side of tank) that i accidentally cracked.. is there anything safe i can use to glue it back together?
Thanks all and thanks to all who have posted before.. i have learned alot from this site!


Tell us much more about your setup.How much LR? LS?.Type of sump? Refugium? Water readings? Please promise not to put anything alive into it until we tell you,OK?


here are the specs... just went over my receipts and cant belive i am already in for $1500..... and still want to get more stuff like a denitrafire (however that is spelled)... you dont have to do as many water changes with one of those right?


Active Member
Elan, looks like it will be a great tank. You posted your nitrite is 3? If so you're still in your cycle stage. From your reading a research I'm sure you've seen that both ammonia and nitrite must be zero befor cycling is complete. Having said that you shouldn't add any more animals until your cycle is complete.
As for your broken coral. I'm assuming it's a coral skeleton or imitation. Try superglue, gel works best. Your rock turning white is not unusual. It's probably the coraline that was on your rock dieing off. In time it will return. It's reacting to your water conditions. Normal for new tanks.
Good luck in your tank. Take your time and you'll be fine.


ok.. first step is admission.... I cant leave my tank alone...:rolleyes: . there are just too many holes and such which i want to fill up with live rock.
I just got another 40 lbs and rearanging my tank setup. how bad is this to the tank and cycling?
also, i probably (not intentially) cruched a few blue leg crabs along the way..:eek: is that a major problem?
Also, is there any problem with mixing fiji, florida, and haitian live rock? i got all three types in there and it makes a very interesting mix....
thanks again!!



Originally posted by dreeves
Goldrush...we are almost neighbors...

OT : i'm not too far either :wavey:


Before you have a lot of fish you may want to rethink the CC substrait. I have CC and am working to remove it for a live sand bed. It looks like it is going to be messy with a couple of fish and some inverts.


i am now thinking of doing the same thing.. changing my crushed coral for a sand bed......
Anyone have any opinions on a plenum (sp)?