new tank pics 11-27-06


Active Member
Sweet selection of corals
, everybody looks very happy...... love that birds nest!!!!Thats what it is right????


thanks all
not a birds nest, not sure what those are, so i cant tell you what it is instead. it took me a few hours to get the rock soon as i would have 3 or 4 pieces left to would all come tumbling down.
but with each new attempt i learned how to get some swim thrus in there. i am trying to hold off from putting anything else in there because its only been 6 weeks. but somehow once it cycled, all levels have been right where they are supposed to be. i consider it luck with some help from some awesome live rock and circulation.


wow.. thumbs up from efishnsea and murph. 2 of the sweetest tanks ever!!!! thanks guys!! i am a huge fan of both of your tanks!!!


Active Member
Love the rockwork and dispersion of color with the soft corals throughout. Keep the Hippo supplimented to help with stress.


thanks...if you mean that winding looking acro, that is the newest addition. i put it in at the same time as the fox coral. when the halides go off and the actinics are left on, its purple and green,.. like bright green, its a trip.


my actinics just kicked off at 10:30, i will take some close up shots tomorrow, i tried to get a pic of the winding acro to show the color, but i cant get the camera to pick it up. i need to start playing around with the cam on manual and mess around with the exposure and stuff to see if i can get better pics.


i know...crazy huh! so far so good though, i am trying not to add anymore for a while to let the bacteria catch up with the waste production, i have added over the course of the last 4 weeks, 6 free sample size bottles of TLC (basically just beneficial bacteria to help cut down on trates and trites - which have been 0 since day 10) the only other additives have been purple up, liquid calcium, and sometimes part A and B. food has been aquadine flakes (at first just 4 flakes when only had the 2 chromis, now with 8 fish, i am at 12 to 13 flakes, once a day) and every 4 days or so...DT's and then maybe a cube of rotifers now and then (the orange cup really loves those) and a few times i have put some frozen bryne, but man that stuff stinks so i dont use it much at all. and once i brought home some live bryne and they tore that up.


Active Member
you would be shocked what went into my tank at an early stage and so far so good...i just think it has alot to do with your rock work ,,in how long its been rock work that is in my tank, its very old, it belong to this other guy that owned an aquarium for several years then wanted out...have a great night...
my tank was set up , and two weeks later,i had some live stock...


that's comforting to hear.. the guy who plumbed it up and provided me with the live rock said "with this stuff, you will be good to go in 3 days" i waited 10 before i put anything in (except the chromis - they went in on day 3). there are many lfs around here and each one of them i would ask "how long did you wait before you put stuff in this tank (their display tank)?" each one of them had it stocked within a week of putting water in it. they all said the quality of the rock is key. that and a good refugium set up. when i get home today i will try to get some close ups. i am trying to figure what fish to put in next...since i put the last one in on wed the 22nd (the yellow tang), i will wait till dec 1st before i put another one in, but what should i get? i am leaning towards either a purple tang or a powder blue tang, but already have a yellow tang in there. i probably should have put the yellow in last, but he's small and gets along great with the blue hippo, but the purple is closer to his shape, any other ideas on fish?
i have 2 chromis
2 perc clowns
1 six line wrasse
1 mystery wrasse
1 blue hippo tang
1 yellow tang
i want to add a manderin, but i dont have enough pods yet. if i can find one that eats something he'll go. the lfs closest to my house had one that was eating frozen bryne, but when i went to go get him, he was sold already.


rics are some of my favorites. love the texture on them. they have this one rock of rics at one of the lfs around here that is just COVERED with HUGE ones, i think the one rock is hundreds of dollars. green and orange, looks cool. i havent glued anything down in the tank yet, but i think i may have to start. in a few weeks i am going to run out of easy to just place stuff on space.