New Tank Pics...90 Gall 2 1/2 Months Old!!


I just LOVE my tank. Seems to be doing well now, had a PH issue last week that was a bit scary but we are all surviving and doing excellent now. Today we purchased some new sun polyps. They have been in for a while, so we decided to take them and try to feed them. Awesome. They loved the mysis shrimp we gave them and almost all the polyps ate. I have a new pic of them but they did go in more after they were fed. They seemed like very healthy eaters for a first day here in the tank! Where do you all place your sun polyps? We were told they would be fine just about anywhere as long as they were fed. This week our Maroon female decided to start hosting the bubble coral. Very cool. So enjoy the pics!

who dey

Active Member
you may wanna watch out for strawberry, tough to tell from the pic, but looks like a star i had 5 years ago that wolfed down abunch of my corals, may wanna ask opiuria. tank looks great though!!!


I will, thanks for the advice!!! My lfs has tons of these and keeps them in coral tanks far he never have seemed to have any intertest near the corals but I sure will watch him!!


Active Member
Wow, very beautiful. I can't wait til my tank is that far...I only have a 37 gal, and right now I'm in the cycling phase, but even so, I can sit and watch it for hours. Think of what I'll be like when there's actually someone in there to watch :joy:
Great pics, and again, beautiful tank!!


THANK YOU for the compliments!! We have worked really hard on getting this tank looking like this so far. I still want to put in some star polyps and a toadstool leather....then might quick and let stuff grow and take up the rest of the room. We want to enjoy this tank for a good solid year and then will be moving up..probably minimum of a 150 gallon. I will be introducing 2 very small 2 inch tangs into my tank hopefully which will be the last fish in here....then next year as they grow we will move them into the big tank. I want a sailfin and a blue.....not sure which to put in together or one at a time and which first, so have to check that out!! read read read!


yes, that is all it is....we have gone very slow, might not look like it, but we started after cycle with just some cleaner crew. Waited a week, all stable then added a shrimp and a coral....waited....then a week added 2 coral....waited a week, got our clowns....waited a week, added a coral...we add small stuff, growing fast...then waited 2 weeks, got our 6 line wrasse and a coral...all have done amazingly well. We have not put more fish in for about the last 3 weeks. We are hoping to put in a very small tang sometime within the next couple of weeks.