New Tank Pics & Aquascaping


I removed the bio balls and that was about 5 months ago I just added a second refrug for plants and future home for a Sea Horse.Here are couple pics of tank dont have pics of new refrug yet but soon.I just make sure I have max turnover and good skimmer



Well I just got done with todays tests.
SG =1.024
Ph = 8.4
Alk = low to normal
Ammonia 5.0 to 7.5
Nitrites = >1.0
Nitrates = 100
I guess I got my ammonia spike :D Is that high enough to make sure I don't respike later on? Think it's safe to pull the raw shrimp out now?
You should see the junk in my just one day!!


Some say yes, some say no. Personally, I had my skimmer on since the day I put rock into my tank. I used uncured live rock, however, so anticipated a lot of die-off that did not all need to stay in there. Because you are using cured live rock (shipped or from LFS?) you probably don't need to quite yet. While it probably wouldn't hurt I recommend you leave it off until your cycle is complete.


OK, I shut the skimmer off yesterday. I didn't buy the cured lr at the lfs, I had it shipped. Patience is the key for me now...yet again!



My skimmer has been on since minute one and has never been turn off.I would say your ok to pull the shrimp out you cycle seems to be doing great :yes: before you know it your tank will be loaded with teh great things you want


Ah...another one of the debates, leave the skimmer on or leave it off. I guess the way I see this is, it depends. :thinking:
Where my nitrates are high at 100 ppm, I would say leave it on to help keep the cycle moving faster. If I had high ammonia, nitrites and low nitates I would leave it off. Does this line of thinking make sence? Or, is leaving the skimmer on going to un-balance the cycle process.


Active Member
I feel that skimming not only removes waste, but also airates the water. Releasing CO2 and improving oxygen levels in the tank.