new tank pics !!


New Member
Here is my 55 gallon which has been running for about 3 months now, the plant is going this week, with the addition of more live rock i have coming, but am running a whisper 60 power filter, prizm skimmer, two maxe jet power heads, the water is finally settling down after i removed the stupid air stone the store told me to put in there, but, i have four damsels in there, two tomatoe clowns, yellow tailed chromis, two cc stars, emerald crab, condy anenomie, and a tang, all are doing very well, so , tell me what you think and some more suggestions please !!!!!!:D im still trying to put pics up here, and the system keeps telling me my image is too big? any thoughts on this ?


if u r goin to keep corals get rid of the cc star fish. what kind of lights? the anemone need good lights. take the pic and crop it smaller, thats what i did.


Active Member
Change the image size to about 6" x 4" you may go a little bigger, but if you go too big then you have to scrool over the page to see everything and to be honest with you most people don't do that. You can alsu chage the pixels per inch. I think 50 to 75 gives a good picture and a smaller file size.


New Member
Ill figure the pics out yet, anyway, everything is looking good so far, havent lost any fish, and i know need more live rock to give ample hiding, especially the tang, couple questions i have here, sometimes the tang, fades his color to a white, and swims very eratically around, then the next day, hes fine again, bright yellow and all calmed down, is this due to stress and not enough hiding? also, i had a background on the tank, but the plants on the pics looked fake and it made the water dark, so i reversed it to blue now, which made the water and tank brighter inside, what color background would you suggest or none at all? and i was curious to know what more i should have in the tank now, i have a yellow tank, two tomatoe clowns, two pepperment damsels, i yellow tail chromis, two blue damsels, two cc stars one emerald green crab, and a condy anenomie, any more bottome feeders ? just curious, :help:


Active Member
well most includding myself use black or very deep dark blue for a back ground. it helps all the colors of the reef POP out at you.
as for what to add IMO you need to be taking away not adding.
a yellow tang in that tank is a problem, much to small. You say he keeps acting stressed and that could be why.
what kinda of lighting do you have???