New tank pics


New Member
Hey hey, I finally got my tank and lr cycled and have added some things. so far i have
1 Domino
Hermit crabs
Snails (turbo? or nass?)
its a 28 gallon bow front with about 20 lbs of lr. gonna get about 10 more lbs. I dont have a pic of my damsel...he goes too fast. I wanna get a pair of true percs and will prob give my damsel to my friend when i get them. I also want to get some shrimp, but dont know what kind to get. I wanna get a peppermint, fire, and sexy shrimp. Do u think these will live in harmony together?



Good looking tank, just make sure your lawnmower is getting enough food. They love to graze on algae throughout the day and your tank looks rather new. May want to add some small pieces of seaweed sheets for him to munch on.


Active Member
I agree with acrylic, I had a domino and that little bad boy ate half my 3 stripe damsel. Lucky for me, I had a co-worker who was starting up a tank and was going to buy a damsel or two to try and cycle his tank. I willingly gave him my saltwater pirahna...LOL....


New Member
i work at petsmart so seaweed sheets won't be hard to get. haha my damsel is a big wimp tho, every time he goes to check out the blennie, the blennie moves and the damsel goes back behind the powerhead for an hour.


Active Member
Originally Posted by acrylic51
What till he get's bigger and established in the tank........
totally agreed....