New tank pics...

richard rendos

Active Member
I got my 20 inch cube tank back and this time had no problems drilling it. I installed my overflow made from a 4" black PVC elbow cut in half. Everything is working so far but no return pump. I should have it this week. Right now there is only a PH running to keep water circulating and oxygenated. I have gone with a 4" sand bed using Carib Sea special grade reef sand. It took about 50 pounds to make it the right depth. I also have about 25 pounds of Marshall Islands live rock. I will probably add a little more later. I am letting the live rock cycle the tank as this tank wil probably not have any fish in it.


nm reef

Active Member
That is going to be a very interesting system. What are your plans for :cool:

richard rendos

Active Member
I have a 175W metal halide 10000K Ushio and 2X32 watt PC actinic. All stonies. No fish. (maybe a goby). Building my own skimmer and calcium reactor. This is my experimentation tank.


is that a 30g? nice. i've been thinking of the small tank with a halide for a while, just for those stonies. can't wait to see how yours does. :D

nm reef

Active Member
Keep us posted as it progresses....sounds like a very nice idea....I've considered doing a smaller reef with one fish and primarily 'shrooms/polyps/and a few select LPS. :cool:

richard rendos

Active Member
Tank was drilled low because I was/am planning on putting some mangroves in it. I want them to grow out of the top of the water.