Quick picture of my tank in its 3rd week cycling
Aqua One R120 285 litre
Just did a 30 litre water change
Everything is testing fine
I was thinking of getting some cleaners like
snails & shrimp is it a good time to put these in? :joy:
I have heard that you should not put shrimp in until your tank is stablized for at least 3 months.
Are you ghost feeding the tank or did u add a shrimp to get the cycle started?
I love the shipwreck too. I have almost exactly like that. I cut off the silk plants on it though. Did yours have silk plants also? My fish love that boat.
I got the the shipwreck from my lfs the brand is Aqua One(aussie made I think)
it was $90 australian so should be cheaper in the states
The tank has a trickle filter running along the top of the tank
Originally Posted by Ego
What is ghost feeding
I put a bacterial starter in
Ghost feeding is when you put food in there, but there is no fish etc. It helps the cycle out.
tank looks really really good.. is it a 55? im liking the round corners... add about 30 more lbs of live rock and the take will be awesome! I always thought you werent soppose to do water changes during the cycle.. it only delays it..?
Ghost feeding is when you put fish food in the tank. You feed it daily to start the cycle. OR you can just put in a raw shrimp for a week or so that will kick start it. I do not think your bacteria starter will do the trick. IDK for sure but to be on the safe side I would add that shrimp to the tank.
If you have not introduced ammonia to the tank then the cycle probably has not started. Which means when u add fish the cycle will start then and you will possibly kill the fish.
Good Luck!!