New Tank plans...need something exciting!


I right now I have a short while when I can get another tank besides my 24 gallon. I could go as high as 75 gallons, or as low as 10. I won't make the mistakes I made before, but I am hesitant to get a huge tank because I am afraid it will take up too much time. (My 24 at this point is very stable and I don't have to do much anymore, its pretty full of creatures.) So basically-
What is your experience in setting up a second tank?
Should I try to get the biggest so I can finally have some larger fish?
Any ideas on how to make the new tank exciting... i.e. pipefish or focusing on a certain type of coral?
Thanks for any responses! :D


I guess it is really up to you. I have three tanks running right know. It does take up some of your time but if your willing and able go for it. If you are afraid of a 75 gal. then try a smaller tank, but if if you want fishes as you stated then you might want to go with the 75 gal. :)


Active Member
personally i wish i had the space to do a school of something in a reef tank--i.e. a school of say 6-7 firefish in a 75 with corals i think would look schweeet :)


Let me speak for the larger part of this board, most would say, get the LARGEST tank possible. They are easier to keep stablized and it reaches out on the fish choice, besides, didn't you say you would like larger fish?:p (you wouldn't consider a tang in a 20gal., now would you?):D