new tank possibility

i am going to get a new tank. i had a 29 gallon, then i had a 45 gallon. i am interested in som tangs. should i get a 75g, 90g, or a 125g tank. could u also give me the approximate prices of live sand for around 3-4 inches. thanks.


Get as big as you can afford! and sand will cost you minimal amount of cash if you use south down or comperable and seed it with some live sand.



Active Member
at least a 75 for 1 tang, if you wnat more, go for the 125 or better, get the biggest you can fit and afford, you will probably still want a bigger one eventually anyway, we all do, look at mr tang, he is planning a 10K gallon or better, and all of us say wwe wish we could, but he is seriously trying ot plan and make it a reality


Active Member
Once you got the fever, you'll just keep going. I have a 125, and 3-55's plus an additional F/w 55 and I'm not done! I'm 42 and already plannning to have a 1000+ g in the wall tank in a beachouse somewhere.....oooo to dream!
The point is get the biggest one you can fit in the space available and can afford. Let us know what you decide.