New Tank question


New Member
Hi Pros..
I've a 10gal F/O, 45gal semi and 75gal Tank.
75 is only 10 days old now. But I speed up cycling process by setting it up with water and filters from old tanks, 30lbs of LR from 45gal, 40lb CC and 15lb LS.
After 12hrs setup I put 2 damsels and they are still helthy and don't have any trouble.
on 3rd day test I had ammonia peak and went down to 0. Within 7 days after setup I already passed Diatoms phrase and All levels are normal(i.e Ammonia, nitrate, nitrite, PH: 0, 0, 0,8.2). after 8th day I added peppermint shrimp, polyps and FD and they all are happy. Tank is setup with 228 Powersweep, 2 Maxijet 1200, whisper 5, fillstar XP3 and light setup is 4*10000K,50/50 and an actnic 3. No skimmer yet just waiting for another week.
Do you guys/girls think I should still keep on waiting for another 3 weeks for cycling process since this is going to be reef.
BTW I approched the same methode for my 45gal Tank and havn't had any trouble.
10 gal F/O tank readings are normal and have never had 10-20 % water change. for 45gal I had 20% water change 2 times in an year and 50% just 10 days ago because of new one.


Active Member
well, one thing i must say is:

if it worked before and is now, wihtout any problems, the only thing i would reccommend is 100 + lbs (total) of lr and a dsb, if you do not already have them i would consider getting them, they are costly, but worth it IMO
the main thingis you must complete the cycle and the tank must stabilize before you continue, it does not matter whether it is 2 weeks, or 3 months, the tank must complete it's cycle
HTH and good luck


Active Member
I was traversing another site where the marine biologists took LR/LS from and existing tank, added to a new tank. Added fish, all of the corals (about $1000.00 worth or more) and in two days had a flourishing reef without the wait. This tank hads been running for years and is now used to seed other tanks, so it's possible to shorten the cycle if you di it right and it sounds like you did. Nice job.


New Member
Thanks for the replies.
I am waiting for my LR to arrive to LFS and cured there. So it would be around 125lbs total in my tank in a week time.


adding all the new lr might restart your cycle so watch out for that or cure the rock outside of you tank. other than that i'm impressed :)


Active Member
adding that much lr could be risky, just please make sure it is cured, and may i suggest doing it in smaller amounts, wait a couple of days to make sure it does not spike before continuing, just in case?
if you are on good terms with the lfs, they may hold it for you (even if it means paying upfront)
i am just looking out for your fishes


New Member
Thanks..Actually my LR is already paid for and probably waiting at my LFS. I'll be adding in smaller amounts tho after hearing from you all. BTW anyone has experience with keeping Red spotted Hawkeye babies. I mange to take out 2 from my tank but didn't live long..But seems like they are ready to spawn again.
Thanks in advance