New Tank question


Hey guys, I just recently set up my 55 gl corner tank. I wanted bigger but i was limited in space. Anyway I bought an Eheim filter and everything else the LFS recommended to me. After getting the salinity and temp correct they instructed me to add 6 damsels and some Spira chemical which would speed the cycling of the tank. After finding this site I realize i probably shouldnt have used that stuff but its too late now. According to the guy who works there it works great though but i dunno. Anyways after 7 days the damsels are doing very well and my Nitrates are at close to 0 and the ammonia is really really close to 0. Does this mean my cycle is done and I can goahead and add that Puffer I want? And do you think a puffer and a trigger would be too much for a 55?


how long has your tank been running for ? how did you try to cycle your tank ? please don't say you cycled it with the damsels........ Don't get that subject going.........


its been running for 8 days now, NO according to the LFS i cycled it with the chemical they sold me. The damsels were just a cheap test to see if they survive. Now they want me to try a more expensive fish, saying that its ok cause the damsels survived and are healthy so far


If your tank has only been set up for 7 days I would seriously advise you against adding any more fish those chemicals you added may have delayed the cycling process and the addition of anymore fish even the fish you have may cause a serious cycle of your tank.


what did your levels spike too ??? get a piece of cocktail shrimp put it in and let it decompose... That is a good way to cycle the tank.
If you like ocean front property. I have a lot with a ocean view for sale in arizona........ real cheap too..