I set my tank up with sand and water 3 days ago. I used tap with dechlorinated drops. I knew the water was going to be cloudy because of the sand but I thought it would have cleared up by now. I turned my filter and powerhead off when I put the sand in and kept it off. The water turned really nasty looking on top and looked like a bunch of crystallized salt on top and around the rim of my tank. SO...I turned my filter and powerhead on about an hour ago hoping that it will make it clear up, so far nothing. There is salt build up on my tank walls and still particles of sand floating. I am running a aquaclear filter with carbon and a aquaclear 70. Any suggestions on what would help? My salinity is high 1.028, waiting to go get some RO tomorrow as well as a test kit. Do you think if i did a water change it wuold help? Any hlep would be appreciated, going to ls tommorrow. oh yeah its a 55 gallon if that helps