New tank questions!


New Member
Hello again everyone, im starting in with saltwater now after many years of freshwater success. Im starting up a new 125 gallon tank FOWLR, the centerpeace will be a trio of lions, Volitons to be exact. Anyways i was wondering how long the saltwater tank must cyle before i can add live rock, cycling fish (either mollies or damsels which would be better) and when can i finally add my lions? If i got some Live sand from my LFS would that hurry it up? Also how many damsels should i add to cycle it, id like my tank to look nice and then be a VERY welcome site to my new hungry lions.


first off. Welcome!

Second. Slow down and be patient. It will take anywhere from 3-8 weeks for a tank to cycle. Test it every other day, add the LS and LR when you add the water.

I would advise against the cycling w/ a damsel practice, a raw shrip has worked great for me and many others.
Main thing is to keep testing the water and when the amonia, and nitrites are at 0, and the nitrates are around 20, you are safe to add your fish.
Add them slowly as you don't want to shock your bioload.
And most importantly --> Read, Read, be patient, read, and ask lots of questions here.

Again,welcome and good luck!!


New Member
awesome, i was expecting it to be much long of a cycling period for some reason. I have another question though. Im set on my trio of lions, but i want to put in a clean up crew first and have the tank stabalize with them in there. So i guess what im asking is.....whats a good cleanup crew for Lions? I know there voracious shrimp eaters, and im not to keen on hermits for some reason. THough i may get 5 scarlet hermits, so what starfish would be good for a 125. Id like to see lots of movement, nothin just sittin around moving once every few hours haha.