New tank readings



You don't like the columns? I guess their alright. My mom bought them for me. I'd feel kind of bad if I took it out. You know how moms are.


Active Member
If it was a gift from your mother, leave it in.
It'll get all covered with coraline soon, and u can attach corals to it or infront of it if you don't like to look at it. You can just tell her that's what happens naturally in SW aquariums. :yes:
...People are very sensetive about the gifts that they give. ESPECIALLY moms!!!


Active Member
being a mom myself, i can appreciate you not wanting to hurt her feelings. I just prefer a natural reef look, if you like it, leave it, my opinion really isn't important anyway.


Yea I was hoping it would get covered in coraline, that'll probably take awhile to happen. I'll just wait until I get more LR and see how it looks. I'll mkae sure and post a pic for yall. Yeah thanks for giving me that site bacffin, it really helped alot.


Okay, is it really possible to get an ammonia spike after 2.5 days? Here are my readings for Wednesday evening (first ones, see above, were done Monday evening and the tank was set up Sunday evening)
SG 1.0265
Salinity 36
Ammonia 8.0
Nitrates 0.5
Nitrites 0.0
PH 8.2
I took these reading twice and they were the same both times. Oh by the way, my shrimp is totally and completely gone!
I added another 20#of LR also. I did this AFTER taking the readings. I'll check again tomorrow night.


Very cool
My game plan is to hopefully be ready for fish when I get back from vacation, August 26. That'll give everything plenty of time to settle down.


I added the new 20#of LR last night. I hated the way it looked and rearranged everything when I got home from work today. This is much better!

They are all pretty similar. I was experimenting with my new camera (Nikon Coolpix 8800) h*
