I think its very important to start with RO water, even if you treat the water.. there is still stuff in there that you may not want (copper for one). You cant control or even know exactally what is in the tap water. If you use RO water, which is stripped of almost everything.. then you can control what is being added later.
Some people may have a different opinion on this tho. There are studies that suggest anemones survival rates are actually better for people that use tap water. But it seems that coral do much better with cleaner water. Its suspected that anemones fair better with "dirty"water due to trace elements. Even if you do believe this, you could always do some changes with treated/aged tapwater or just dose with some trace additives.
I'd just let that thing fill up all day. Just keep an eye on it, watch for leaks and such (normal stuff when filling a new tank). ALSO, triple check this one... make sure your tank is level in all directions while filling it up. If its leaning just the slighest, it could put pressure on one side and you could be swimming with the fishey (literally).
good luck and WELCOME to the board!
:happyfish :happy: