new tank set up!!


hey, i just got my 125 gallons tank today. :D as for knight and jwtrojann44 thanks for the information on butterfly lover. :p i will do my home work before i get the fish :) well wish me luck i will keep you guys updated :D :D please let me know what kind of fish i can in this tank with the queens juv ;)


queen is pretty mellow, just determine which way you plan on taking the tank. If you are going to make this a reef tank , the queen may have not been a good choice. They may go after some soft corals and don't add sponge if you make it a reef as that is what they live on in the wild and would probably take to it quickly. This is true with any angels.
P.S. Good luck on the new tank.


thanks for the repose knight :D i will shop around for the butterfly still have time to kill. just got the lr and ls as soon as everything is cool i'll get the queen in her new home hopes she will be happy with her new tankmates :D :D ;) ;)