Yup it depends how much you want to spend on the LR and LS, you can go the various ways mentioned above. The base rock will become LR it will just depend on how much LR you start with. The less LR the longer it will take for the base rock to become live. Same with the LS but it will ALL become live for sure. You'll know when your cycle is over when your Ammonia and Nitrites drop to zero, I would recommend spending the money and buying a good set of kits. I've already wasted money on crappy test kits.
Look into adding some of the cycling bacteria to speed up your cycle. I can't remember the name but it came refrigerated from my LFS. Wish I would have done that sooner, I was going on 5 weeks b4 my tank cycled and added this stuff and it finished off my cycle 48 hrs later. Some people don't like that stuff but I certainly intend on using it again if I have to start over later. Regardless, I would still wait at least 4 weeks until putting your clean up crew and this is assuming you are positive your tank has cycled. A good test to know if is you put some fish food in your tank and you don't see any ammonia or nitrites.
IMO you should setup your own tank and equipment and cycle yourself just to get yourself in a routine of testing and maintenance. Everybody's tank setup is different, because you can have the same tank as someone elses but not the same placement or livestock or equipment most of the time. Learn yours well.
And the hardest thing to do for most people including myself, is to have patience and take things slow. I waited 8 weeks before I put in a fish just to see if I could wait that long, it was torture.
Look into adding some of the cycling bacteria to speed up your cycle. I can't remember the name but it came refrigerated from my LFS. Wish I would have done that sooner, I was going on 5 weeks b4 my tank cycled and added this stuff and it finished off my cycle 48 hrs later. Some people don't like that stuff but I certainly intend on using it again if I have to start over later. Regardless, I would still wait at least 4 weeks until putting your clean up crew and this is assuming you are positive your tank has cycled. A good test to know if is you put some fish food in your tank and you don't see any ammonia or nitrites.
IMO you should setup your own tank and equipment and cycle yourself just to get yourself in a routine of testing and maintenance. Everybody's tank setup is different, because you can have the same tank as someone elses but not the same placement or livestock or equipment most of the time. Learn yours well.
And the hardest thing to do for most people including myself, is to have patience and take things slow. I waited 8 weeks before I put in a fish just to see if I could wait that long, it was torture.