New Tank Setup Suggestions


New Member
Hey Everyone,
I am planing on starting up a new reef tank and am looking for some suggestions.
Brief history on my experience
I had a 30g Reef about 5 years ago when i had a complete meltdown (still angry to this day -- ph probe gave me a wrong reading on some new water)
I still have the 30g tank but am looking to go a larger (thinking 75 -- now that i own my own home rather than my parents place)
I am guessing 1 to 1.5 lbs of live rock/ gallon ... and 2 in of sand
does this sound about right?
What are some fish/inverts i could support in a 75?
Light is something i have never quite understood how much or what i should go with.. any suggestions for the 75?
And one last question ... what is my best option sump or no sump -- (adding this to my 30g was basically what caused the downfall?
Thanks for the Help!!


Your LR and LS sounds good and I would recommend using the 30 for a sump, the larger the volume of water the better. There are numerous combos for fish and inverts but it depends on what you prefer and what types of corals your want. I'd go with t-5's or halides but it really depends on what you plan to keep. They both have their pros and cons.


Welcome back to the hobby and welcome to the boards
I definitely would have a sump or a refugium with a 75G.
1.5 - 2 lbs of Live Rock should be about right. Although density's vary. I myself go more for the idea of putting in as much as you can but still leave room for the fish to swim around. With caves and other hiding places.
If you have any sort of inkling you will be staying with the hobby for a long time you might looking into going up to the 125G. At that point a considerable amount of options open up for the kind of fish you can have. Of course it all depends on how much space you have and what your budget looks like.
The best lighting is the Metal Halides although they are rather spendy. A nice alternative is T-5 lighting. With T-5's you could pretty much keep anything in the tank. Except maybe clams and some of the SPS that requires strong lighting.
As far as your question about what livestock to put in there goes I would say this. I would spend some time at your LFS and see what they have. Think about the ones you would like to have at home. BUT, before you buy anything be sure to research the animal first to make sure it will be compatible with your setup.
Hope that helps.


New Member
Thanks for the suggestions... I would love to go with a 125 gallon but am worried about weight issues on my main floor. I am thinking of getting a 90 gallon though -- not positive on this though (again worried about weight issue)... If i go with the T5s what kind of wattage should i be looking for? I would like to have anemones, and some corals(nothing to fancy on these) and for fish for sure i would want a couple ocellaris clowns and a blue tang -- eventually a mandarin once the tank is well established, plus an assortment of inverts.


Active Member
hi. i think you are better off with a 75, instead of a 90. the reason i say this is that the only difference between the two, is 4" of height.
all this is going to do is make you purchase more powerful lighting. most of the fish i've kept don't even utilize the very top of the tank.
i believe that the right T-5 fixture is every bit as good as halides. mainly, you need to look for something with individual reflectors
i would go with 8 x 54 watt. you'll be able to keep a clam and an anemone.
the sunlight supply "tek" light is a very high quality unit.
the current nova extreme pro is a decent light as well.
i do prefer halides still, because they create that "shimmer" in the tank which i really like.
as far as weight goes- would you be afraid to have a king size water bed in your house?
i would not worry too much about the weight if you place the tank across the beams instead of on 1 or 2, running parallel.
i kept a 125 with a 75 gallon sump in a 2nd floor apartment for years with no trouble.


New Member
I guess if metal halide looks better i would rather get that now ... would the following one work fine and is it a good one to get?
Outer Orbit Pro Series HQI/T-5/LED Lights
Length Total Wattage HQI T-5 HO LED Lunar Lights
48" 529 watts 2-150 watt 4-54 watt 9 blue & 9 white


Originally Posted by jkalvoda
I guess if metal halide looks better i would rather get that now ... would the following one work fine and is it a good one to get?
Outer Orbit Pro Series HQI/T-5/LED Lights
Length Total Wattage HQI T-5 HO LED Lunar Lights
48" 529 watts 2-150 watt 4-54 watt 9 blue & 9 white
Just bought this fixture in 36'' for my tank, see my post above