New tank setup..


New Member
Well, I just got two new 300 gallon setups. I plan on using one for reef and the other for aggressive. Now I don't know too much about the aggressive species and how many or what could live in the same tank, obviously I would like to have as many things as possible in the tank, you know, without it being overcrowded. I was looking at anything from puffers, lions, eels, anything that is aggressive, but still makes for a good community. So, any help or suggestions from you all would be greatly appreciated.


Active Member
i have a :
volitan lion " 6
harlequin tusk 5"
lunare wrasses 5"
snowflake eel 24"
powder blue tang 5 "
2 yellow tang 6"
niger trigger 4"
porcupine puffer 5"
spotted puffer 5"
maroon clown 3"
all in my 120 gallon that i'm putting on my 240 gallon i'm just waiting to be installed in the wall hopefully
i'm adding more maybe a clown trigger? or bursa trigger? and a large angel once i switch to my larger tank


New Member
Thanks a lot. I like the fish you have, I was thinking of
Volitan Lion
Blue Koran Angel
Porcupine Puffer
Striped Dogface Puffer
Foxface Tang
Purple Tang
Clown Trigger
Blue Line Trigger
Harlequin Tusk
Lunare Wrasse
I can't make up my mind on a good eel to get, I don't really like the look of the snowflake eel and I don't know if the others are good for a community tank. Also, if I have fish that eat snails, shrimp, and things of that sort, what can I use as a clean up crew that won't get eaten. Last thing, which of these fish can be kept in multiples?


Active Member
Originally Posted by bullitr
i have a :
volitan lion " 6
harlequin tusk 5"
lunare wrasses 5"
snowflake eel 24"
powder blue tang 5 "
2 yellow tang 6"
niger trigger 4"
porcupine puffer 5"
spotted puffer 5"
maroon clown 3"
all in my 120 gallon that i'm putting on my 240 gallon i'm just waiting to be installed in the wall hopefully
i'm adding more maybe a clown trigger? or bursa trigger? and a large angel once i switch to my larger tank
all in a 120gal..... :scared: :scared: :scared:


Active Member
yup all in 120 right now ..but my sytem is for 300 gallon plus... i have the 240 gallon now on my garage i'm setting it up maybe before saturday .. which maybe why my harlequin eats seldom..


New Member
You think that this would be better?
Volitan Lion
Blue Koran Angel
Porcupine Puffer
Striped Dogface Puffer
Foxface Tang
Purple Tang
Clown Trigger
Lunare Wrasse
With possibly some kind of eel. Would I be able to put a Red Sea Twin Spot Wrasse in there with the Lunare or would I have to pick just one. And what is good to use for an invert cleanup crew in an aggressive tank with the fish on my new list?


I wouldn't be surprised if the puffer and the trigger pick on the lion. The Bluethroat Trigger is a little bit less aggressive, or possibly the niger trigger. I don't know the puffers too well but I have heard of them picking on lionfish. If you are looking for an eel, my suggestion is the Zebra Moray. Even with smaller fishes this guy is least likely to eat them. If all the fish are large enough the Tessellated eel is really cool. And yes, in a 300 gal you should have enough room. Although fish like the angel also does need live rock, that can take up a lot of space.