New tank, several problems


Finished setting up my new tank and it's really cloudy and milk-like. I waited all night and still cloudy. The fish store I got the sand from only had one kind, crushed coral, but it is pretty fine. It might be the problem but I had no flow in the tank for half a day and still cloudy. Wouldn't the sand of settled? It didn't even get less cloudy. Also the water has this white foam on the surface around the edges and is created when bubbles are made.
Second problem, the noise from the overflow pipe. Not the actual overflow (but that is a little loud), but the piping. The overflows instructions said to not make the line any smaller than 1.5 inches, which I think is a little big. Any ideas to make it quiet?
Lastly, my return siphons when the pump is turned off. That can't happen, since my power goes off quite a bit. From what I've read check valves are a bad idea, drilling a hole just below the water level in the return line still aren't 100%, and air gaps are foolproof. Is an air gab just moving the return closer to the surface?
This tanks only been running for a day and a half. Thanks for any input!
My Setup:
46gallon tank
10gallon sump
skimmer for up to 65gallons
Eheim Hobby Pump 1260
Overflow 700gph
1.5inch PVC for overflow
return line 5/8inch flexible PVC


Well-Known Member
you need to put the return line above the tank water line and/or drill an anti siphon hole (pointing down) above the water line.
Either will break up the return siphon with the return being above the water lint the most effective.
my .02


I had that issue with the crushed coral too. You have to wash it really really well. I had to dump all the water out of my tank and re wash the crushed coral when I was setting up.


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by grant778 http:///t/396207/new-tank-several-problems#post_3529533
I had that issue with the crushed coral too. You have to wash it really really well. I had to dump all the water out of my tank and re wash the crushed coral when I was setting up.
If you decide to remove it to rinse it, to preserve the good bacteria...use saltwater. Otherwise it may take some time, but the cloudy will go away. If it's a brand new set up it has to go through the first cycle anyway, so it's not like it's in a hurry to clear up. A small hole drilled in the return just below the water level, will stop the back siphon problem. Then when the water drops anywhere below the normal water level it won't back siphon anymore.
The reason for just below the water level is because the further down the hole, the lower the water level will go before it stops. If you make the hole above the water level, then water will splash as it leaves the hole when water is returned.


i think I'm just going to get different sand. I read a few other post by people with the fine sand and problems come up later because they got fish that liked to dig in the sand and I've already have a clown that likes to dig up sand from time to time.

mr llimpid

as for the loud noise from your siphon line, if its coming from the pipe going down to your sump, they make pipe insulation. You can go to your local hardware store and get the size of your pipe, that should reduce the sound some.


thanks I'll have to get some insulation! Anybody know how to lower the water level in a protein skimmer? Mines to high and I can't really lower the water level in my sump without taking it all apart and starting over.


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by thresher9 http:///t/396207/new-tank-several-problems#post_3529589
thanks I'll have to get some insulation! Anybody know how to lower the water level in a protein skimmer? Mines to high and I can't really lower the water level in my sump without taking it all apart and starting over.
There should be an intake knob you can turn...if it sits too deep in the water put a stand in there for the skimmer to sit on. Stacked and zip tied together, egg crate would work, the weight of the skimmer should hold it down.


The skimmer is sitting next to the sump on some pieces of wood well above the water line that the pump is in and the intake knob is turned all the way down, but the water line is halfway up the tube in the collection cup. I think it spilt over once because the third time I checked it, it was very watery. With my other skimmer on my other tank I just raised the skimmer up and the water level in it went down, I'm not sure why thats not the case this time. Would the high level be because it's a new system?


I got the water level to go down in the skimmer and got new sand! Everythings getting done slowly but surely. I just hope my fish will be ok in my old sump for a while longer and my crabs, snails, and shrimp in their buckets. Thanks everyone for answering!