New Tank stock list


New Member
I am setting up a 72 bow FOWLR with abt 100lbs LR. I have a stock list and just want some feed back or suggestions. Thanks. :notsure:
Hippo tang, percula, yellow tang, coral beauty, royal gramma, and 5 chromis.
Of course I will have a clean up crew of about 80 snails/shrimps.


You will get varying responses but 2 fish on your list will have some folks on here who can get pretty excited. The fish I am referring to are the Tangs. Because these guys get real large it is recommended to have a minimum tank size of 125G. They need a lot of swimming room to be happy and healthy. The rest of the fish look ok to me. I have some green chromis and it is fun watching them school around together.


He/she has a coral beauty listed. I like my sixline wrasse a lot and my LMB for the bottom of the tank. He's fun to watch! :happyfish


Active Member
I agree about removing the tangs.
A group of anthias would look very nice in there.
LMB stands for lawn mower blenny.
You could have one of the smaller tangs, but others will tell you, you need a larger tank, I would go for it. You don't have too many other fish, you'll be alright for a while.