New Tank Suggestions Pls...


New Member
Hi everyone you can see I'm new here....and i need some suggestions on setting up our new saltwater tank!! I used to have a saltwater tank a few years, but I have since moved and im ready to start up again.
Ok so I have just purchased a 65 gal. only (for now) and live rock. My main question is a protein seems like the favorite on this board is the coralife super skimmer since i have a 65 gal, would this be sufficient or do I need to bump up to the 125? (ive also been looking at the ASM little G) I will not be investing in a filter, since im told that the live rock will do the filtration for me...unless anyone has some suggestions for that as well. Im also looking into a powerhead...any suggs on that too?
I welcome ANY and ALL suggestions that anyone may have for me.
I look forward to your comments....thanks!!!! :happyfish


Active Member
Usually you want a protien skimmer that is rated for 2x the volume of the tank, both asm and coralife are good skimmers. No you don't need a filter if you have live rock, and for powerheads maxi jets are what I use and they work great.

mandarin w

Welcome back, if your 65 is reef ready I would definatly go with an ASM, maybe the G2, the coral life SS is a hit and miss. I had the smaller one, I didn't care for it much. It seems I and quite a few others have had issues with it going nuts and just filling, and filling with water, then overflowing and flooding your floors. I don't know if they got that problem worked out, but to me you don't want it set and running fine for a few days, go to the movies, and bam, your floors are wet when you get home. Like I said corollife may have fixed this by now.
Personnally, I am a fan of having a filter. even though your live rock and sand will take care of the tank, it is important to be able to run carbon, and other media when needed. Plus I feel the filter floss catches alot of the junk that ends up floating in your water. The only thing is to make sure you change it regularly so you don't end up with a nitrate factory on your hands.


Coralife SS 125 would be better choice for 65g tank if you want to get Coralife Super Skimmer.. I agree with Travis about Maxijet powerheads I have them and they work good. They are very good for their prices. LIve rock and Live sand are your filtration. As for liverock you should have 1 pound for per gallon ( minimum )
Good luck


New Member
so can i get away with getting the ASM - baby G, its for up to 75g....or should I just go w/the ss 125? Money is definately an issue....and all that LR is going to be our biggest cost...