New tank water readings, opinions


It's still early on this tank but just looking for feedback on these readings. The tank was put up on 3/22 using some new sand, lots of established sand from other tanks, lots of new rock, been adding rock from my existing tank.
3/26 ammonia 0, PH 8.0, nitrite .25, nitrate 5.0
3/31 ammonia .25, PH 8.2, nitrite 0, nitrate 5.0
4/2 ammonia 0, PH 8.0, nitrite 0, nitrate 5.0
slight diatom bloom yesterday


Active Member
If you want to speed it up, why don't you throw in a dead cocktail shrimp from the grocery store. That will surely spike your levels. It doesn't seem as if anything really spiked yet.


I did throw in some large krill the other day, I don't think I'm going to get huge spikes becuase of using so much established sand/rock/water, I was hoping that someone who has or is doing the same type of new tank setup as I am would be able to compare notes with me.


Active Member
yeah, you are probably right that you will not get a huge spike. You should have seen a small nitrite spike after your ammonia spikes though.


Active Member
The way it works is that NH4 (ammonia) will form and spike from detritus and die off rotting and breaking down, and the bacteria in your tank will convert that to NO2 (nitrite) and then the bacteria in your tank will convert that to a much less toxic NO3 (nitrates).


Active Member
i would suggest just feeding krill, (or whatever you plan on feeding the inhabitants) to the tank for a week or so to make sure the tank si in fact cycled. JME


New 20 gal.
3/15 20 lbs live rock added 15 lbs of Agragonite
3/16/ ph 8.1 Alk 2.5 Amm 3.1 nitrite >1 nitrate 20
3/17 ph 8.2 Alk 2.4 Amm .5 nitrite 1 nitrate 40
3/21 ph 8.3 Alk 2.5 Am .25 nitrite .4 nitrate 10
3/22 added live rock 12 lbs
3/23 ph 8.1 Alk 2.5 Am .5 nitrite 1 nitrate 20
3/28 ph 8.2 Alk 2.9 Amm.5 nitrite .1 nitrate 5
4/1 ph 8.2 Alk 2.9 Amm .5 nitrite 0 nitrate 2.5
And that a wrap folks ***)