New tank What do ya think

Hi all, as you know we have been waiting for our new 200 to come in. Called them friday to find out watszup, the guy tells me two monthes :mad: So I get all mad and he said how about a deal, I said ok what kind of deal, Now I am asking all of you what do you think, this is his deal- 1 200 gallon Oceantic tank 1 oak canopy and 4 door on both sides oak stand 1 Oceantic trickle filter rated for up to 250 gallons with return pump and this tank is pre drilled so no hang ons . This is a store display tank and not for sale, but hes going to sell it to us to keep us happy, 1600 out the door. What do all of you think of the equipment and the price, I have done some web searching and this seems to be a good deal, and does anybody use the Oceantic trickle filter and do you like it or not???? . He will give me this deal but I told him I had to think about it and get info first so if you all think this is a good deal I will get it monday , would appreciate all inpute,,cya ;)


sounds like a good deal to me.. what have you go to loose? isnt that the size tank you wanted?


Active Member
RLV695, We we're looking at a 150 at the begining, but when we went to buy it they had sold it 2 days before we got down there. So we looked around and found a 200 at a good price and ordered it, we we're told that it would be in in 2 weeks time, its been 3 weeks and we we're told it would be another 2 months, so fixit the dealer he is asked them what they could do for us, and they offered the deal listed above without the trickle filter, fixit asked what they could do with it included. Thats the deal. Later Lisa :D


Active Member
Hi all, Well we did it! We know have a 200 gal tank set up in our family room. BOY! Was that sucker heavy!!!! Took us about 1hour to get it off the truck and into the house(as far as the dining room). Know I have to figure out what to get rid of in our family room. Got it all set up yesterday to start the cycle. Only 4-6 weeks to go...Can't wait to really get started!!!! I'll post pics of the empty tank and the trickle filter that I took on our web page later today.(I hope), I've got to arrange everything else in here before I can work on that. Later Lisa :D

the new guy

Congrats! It sounds like a good deal to me as long as everything you got is close to what you wanted if not better.


Hi, I use the Oceanic trickle filter, and it seems to work great. Hope you enjoy sounds like a great tank....Wish I could get one now.


now i wanna 200!!!
just outta curiousity (since i haven't researched them at all) how much was the original tank you ordered? what kind was it and did you also order the canopy/stand?


Active Member
I'm not sure what brand the 150 was(not oceanic though) the 150 tank and stand would have cost us $1500.00, we bought our tank(oceanic 200), stand,canopy, Oceanic trickel filter, and pump(the whole set up), and 2 light strips, in Canada for $2000.00 We think we got a great deal! Later Lisa :D
We added a couple things since fixit posted, he said 1600.00 but we got our a couple other things with the set up, that we decided on after he posted.
[ June 08, 2001: Message edited by: BLUEBERRYBOOMER ]