New tank - what fish


Hi there, Im from New Zealand and have just set up a 78 litre tank (20 gallons?). Its not ready for fish yet, but I was just wondering what sorts of fish and how many I would be able to keep in this tank, I have about 10kg of rock in there


Hi, welcome to the boards. If 78 litres is 20 gallons then three small fish would be good.


I Agree With Azul!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Possibly 1 Clown 1 Bicolar Blenny And I Fire Fish This Is A Collection That Has Peasful But Colorful Fish


Are there any others that could be kept in this size tank? Also, what sorts of corals would be good, at this stage we have the blue/white lights in the tank, and just the standard filter, are these going to be sufficient for a few fish and some corals?


Originally Posted by Ashleigh234
Would a 'Mandarin Dragonet - Spotted' be ok in this tank, maybe with a couple of clowns?
No, They require larger amounts of LR and a refugium. They only eat things called copepods which grow in the rock. They eat hundreds of them per day. The fish stays small, but small amounts of rock cannot produce enough pods for them.


Originally Posted by Ashleigh234
Thanks, I wish I could keep one though - may have to upgrade tanks one day so I can get one - awesome looking fish
Yes, they certainly are! Good luck to you. Please ask any questions that you may have


Just one more question for now ....
As our tank is a corner tank, we have all the rocks in the corner, which is also where the filter goes down, is it ok if the rocks are surrounding the filter or will this not work too well, would we need to move the rocks to clean behind them or the sand or anything?
Thanks to anyone who can help.


Originally Posted by Ashleigh234
Just one more question for now ....
As our tank is a corner tank, we have all the rocks in the corner, which is also where the filter goes down, is it ok if the rocks are surrounding the filter or will this not work too well, would we need to move the rocks to clean behind them or the sand or anything?
Thanks to anyone who can help.
Hey Ashleigh, you will not clean behind the rocks. You can buy detrivores that will clean the sand for you. You will want to keep the filter clear though. No need to worry about swimming space. The types of fish that you will keep will absolutely love the caves and tunnels of that rock when it is spread out a little


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by Ashleigh234
Would a 'Mandarin Dragonet - Spotted' be ok in this tank, maybe with a couple of clowns?
Heck no! Mandarin goby's need a minimum of a 55gal. reef aquarium with plenty of live rock. They survive on amphipods and copepods (bugs) that live in the water.. 20gal. isn't sufficiant for this fish.