Whoa there JacknJill (and others to join)...let's keep this positive, OK? Most people in this hobby NEVER do the research and do not make it to boards like this.
Accentuate the positive...
But I do agree, returning the fish to the store ASAP would be a good place to start, as is getting immediate water quality tests....or telling us that actually the tank cycled properly etc etc and it was misunderstood
But at this stage, I think taking the fish back is a priority.
Just read post -
Unfortunately, your LFS was misleading you. I must ask, how much will they be giving you as a refund for your flame angel? They are getting A LOT of money out of you for fish that do not belong in a new tank. If they only sold you the clowns, that would be one thing....but the angels?!?!?! No way. Not in a week old tank!!
Basically you should have bought the LR, set up the tank, and then challenged the tank with an ammonia source...usually dead shrimp. It is possible with fully cured LR that you will see no ammonia spike. But most see something. If not after a week or so, then maybe adding a pair of clowns would be a reasonable next step. After a few more weeks, another fish....but NOT angels which are delicate and need mature tanks for reasons we can't always measure.
I would personally run very fast from that store.
Anyway, please do not add anything more, especially anemones, to the tank as a lot more research needs to be done first. This is a sloooowwww hobby, and patience is critical. Your tank, IMO, is at a stocking level you would find in a tank many months old.