New Tank


New Member
Hi Folks,
I've been reading these posts for the last couple of days - great information. My son and I set up a new tank about 2 weeks ago. We have about 8.5 lb LR which we added last Sun. along with a few hermit crabs. If I'm reading correctly, we should have alot more LR in our 30 gal. tank - correct? Also, we were told that after adding the LR, we could introduce fish in about 5-10 days. Our LFS is pretty reputable. We have been testing the water and everything is A OK - no spikes, etc. We were planning on getting a couple of fish tomorrow. Is this advisable? My son is really anxious to get some fish :)
Thank you for your comments.


You probably want to add more LR to your tank, and it would probably be a good idea just to add it before you add any fish. This is incase there is a ammonia spike caused by the LR. Make sure the rock is cured, or you will get a spike with all the dieoff on uncured LR.
Has your tank cycled yet? You mentioned your tank hasnt had a spike yet, but have you had one at all? You need to make sure that your tank has an ammonia spike first to develop the bacteria your tank will need.


New Member
No, the tank has not spiked at all - I thought our lfs said that there might not be one by using the LR vs. using damselfish to start the cycle. Would it be advisable to add the damselfish?


Active Member

Originally posted by saltyamy
No, the tank has not spiked at all - I thought our lfs said that there might not be one by using the LR vs. using damselfish to start the cycle. Would it be advisable to add the damselfish?

I cycled my tank with LR and LS.. I never saw a (huge) spike.. you might not get one either... or missed it.... Did you test your water for any elevations in ammonia or nitrites?


Active Member
The LFS is most likely off their rocker...
Every tank goes through a cycle..the degree of the cycle will vary....


New Member
To get my son used to testing - I have had him test ph, nitrites, ammonia, salinity, check temperature and write it all down in a log every couple of days - as this is ultimately his tank. Have not seen any spike and all readings seem to be within the appropriate parameters. We will be taking a sample of water with us to the lfs as well so they can test it.


Active Member

Originally posted by saltyamy
To get my son used to testing - I have had him test ph, nitrites, ammonia, salinity, check temperature and write it all down in a log every couple of days - as this is ultimately his tank. Have not seen any spike and all readings seem to be within the appropriate parameters. We will be taking a sample of water with us to the lfs as well so they can test it.

This might sound stupid.. but just to test.. I would take a toothbrush and rake over the live rock tonight.. Wait for a couple days to pass and see if the chemistry in the water changes..
Also have you seen PODS crawing in your substrate or any outbreak of diatoms? Both signs that a cycle has already started.
PS I wouldnt take everything your LFS says for law... They do have one agenda.. Make money... As where most here, though some might want to sound more intellegent than anyone else, do want you to succeed in this hobby, and we dont want your money (unless you want to send me some) :happy:


Well-Known Member
Not getting any spike is a very strong sign there has not been any cycle to establish the aerobic bacteria.
I highly recommend you add only one fish and not feed it for a week. You son may (or may not) see an ammonia spike the next day. He will see nitrItes rise and possibly peg the test kit in 2-4 days. Without feeding, the nitrItes will fall on the 5-6 day. then feed only a single flake/day for a week and the nitrItes will stay at 0.0
I recommend a single male molly as the first fish. Just acclimate him over an hour or so. It is inexpensive and very hardy. black or silver lyretales work best for me. any yellow/gold molly seems to be more fragile.
Two weeks of running fishless will probably insure any fish born parasites have died off from lask of a host fish. Another week would be even better.
I would add plant life especially macro algae at this point to get them established and control the system before any fish are added. Without the added plant life, I would let the brown turning to green algae flourish. I would not add a cleaner crew or remove that algae unless you add other plant life. Plant life is essential to rapid establishment of new system and for easy maintenance of existing systems.

bang guy


Originally posted by saltyamy
No, the tank has not spiked at all - I thought our lfs said that there might not be one by using the LR vs. using damselfish to start the cycle. Would it be advisable to add the damselfish?

It's common for a tank to not spike at all when using cured live rock from a local store. If you want Damsels in your tank then it's probably OK to add one now.
A caution about Damsels though, in a 30 gallon tank you may not be able to keep any other fish. Most Damsels are very very agressive once they mature and will often kill tank mates. There are a few exceptions like Clownfish & Chromis that are mostly good community fish.
My suggestion would be to hold off on fish and to feed the tank as if you had a couple of small fish in there. If after several days your water parameters are still good then it is safe to introduce your first fish. I highly recommend Tank Bred Clownfish as a first fish.
If you want more live rock then definately hold off on the fish until you get all of the rock you want and set up the way you want it.