New Tank


New Member
I'm getting a 55 gallon tank soon, and I'm wondering what i could or should put in it to make it look like really eye appealing.
- Im a begininner please help me


Hundred dollar bills. That should catch some eyes.
Seriously, a tank filled to the brim with all sorts of things can be every bit as appealing as one that has very little. Just take your time and add what you like, and I'm sure others will like it too.


I agree with TimO, Get what you like, But heres some suggestions: Clown Fish are great!
Royal Gramma, very easy to care for and very pretty!
Banner Fish are eye catching (to me)
Damsel's are eye catching, but I'd stay away from them
Blue Hippo Tang, but you'd need to move them to a bigger tank after a while, they need tons of space!
Yellow Tangs I highly Recommened!
Stay away from triggers, they look great but if you want many small fish; their just no tank-mates lets say!:happyfish


New Member
Can I do this combo....
1- Yellow Tang
1- Blue Hippo Tang
1- Purple Tang
1- Flame Angel
1- Coral Beauty
3- Damsels (Yellow Tailed)
1- Black Cap Basslet
1- Fire Gobie
1- Percula Clown
1- Cinnamin Clown
1- Star Fish- Orange Linkia
1- Horseshoe Crab
1-3 - Emerald Crabs
2-3- Cleaner Shrimp
-Is that way too much...this is like a dream order to do all of these how big would i need to go???


Calbomb17, here is whats in my 55, 80 lbs LS, 125 lbs LR
1 GSM clown (her mate died)

1 royal gramma
1 small yellow tang
and after my tank has been up and running for 1 year I am going to get a green mandarin goby. that will be all of the fish that will go in my 55.


New Member
-What types of anemones are easy for a beginner and what types or coral are easy too....I want lots of COLOR:jumping:


I'd stay away from anemones all together but you'll be able to keep some awesome looking corals, depending on your lighting.
What type of lighting do you have?


New Member
at this point I don't have any. What kind would you recommond...I'm 16 so i need a fairly useful but inexpensive one.