New tank...


Hey Guys, I just set up my tank 4 weeks ago and i just wanted to post some pics and ask you guys what you think!!!
I'm running 3 54ww 10000K Ocean White Light tubes + 1 54ww Actinic. Will this be enough for corals like frogspawn, brains ect?
The guy at my LFS said it would be and he was running the same lights(2 Ocean White, 1 actinic) over a 4 ft and his corals where AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!! Heres some pics.
the rightside

My mushy

Tube worm

And my lighting

The lights are so bright that i had to darken the picture thingy on my camera to take the picture.
So what do you think?


Thanks, I dont have an undergravel in my 5ft... I think you thought the lights cable was a pipe...
Are my lights good enough???
And i have seen 3 TINY little starfish in my sump, they are white on the bottom and have a browny coloured back. Any idea wat they are?