New Tank


New Member
I have just gotten back into my salt tank. My question is about cycling in the new tank. I have been out of this hobby since my Lionfish died 8 yrs ago. I have forgotten some things and am not sure if I should consider a water change or just let nature take it's course. My tank has been set up for three weeks now. With only two weeks of having fish in it. I set the tank up letting it run for one week with only enzymes in it. Then I added 4 green Chromis. The Chromis lasted only a few days then I lost 2 of them. I then waited one week and added 2 Domino Damsels. It has been about a week now and my Ammonia levels are through the roof. But I am not seeing any Nitrites yet. My last 2 Chromis are with thier maker. I am not adding any more fish till this cures up. Am I just being paranoid due to my absence from the hobby or should I be concerned? Any helpful suggestions will be greatly appreciated. Thanks


Active Member
Did the tank ever cycle before you added fish? I mean did the ammonia spike and go to 0? Same with nitrites? :D


New Member
No, the tank was free of anything but the enzymes. I added the fish to do the cycling. Should I have put some food in to start the cycle before hand?


Active Member
If there's any way you can get those fish out, do it now. From what it sounds like , the tank is cycleing now and with ammonia level through the roof, more fish will die. Do you have test kits? Once the ammonia spikes and comes down, the nitrites will spike and come down. Once they both are at 0 it would be okay to add a clean up crew and see how they do. You shouldn't have any fish in there yet. :D


New Member
OK thanks, Things have changed since I set up my first tank. Back then it was customary to use "sacrificial" fish to cycle. I have also been reading some of the other posts. Which I had never thought of using a cocktail shrimp to cycle. This is a wonderful idea as not to kill any innocent fish. As with most aquarist my intentions were noble.