new tank


just set-up a 55gal tank using a 50gal fiter how long before it starts to clear-up been 24hrs


Have you added anything to it yet such as live rock or sand? The tank will cycle and while doing so will build up bacteria. The bacteria then clings to all the floating particles and helps in the process of causing them to settle and clear your tank. When I set up my tank, it took a week for the sand to settle and it to go from a solid milk color to a nice haze. Took another week for it to become clear.


I put live sand & crushed coral & salt. A couple of other people told me to turn off the filter,because it will clog up the works, & that it will settle quicker this way. ?????? thanks for the reply. :notsure:


Originally Posted by jose2
I put live sand & crushed coral & salt. A couple of other people told me to turn off the filter,because it will clog up the works, & that it will settle quicker this way. ?????? thanks for the reply. :notsure:

I left my filters, pump, etc on during this. Was a lot of cleaning though. Can't tell you about turning stuff off though, I have no idea.