New tank


New Member
Hi! I have just recently gotten a 28 gallon tank, and I am waiting for it to cycle. I was thinking of getting a tomato or cinnamon clown, a flame angel, and possibly a purple or yellow tang...along with assorted hermits and snails, maybe a this a good starting point?


Your tank is way to small for tangs they will die in there.All else will be fine but please dont try a tang. they need large tangs 100 gal plus


Hi, I'm new to the hobby also...I'm planning to get my tank this weekend, it'll be 40g-50g. Lol, the 2 stores I went to a few days ago gave me incorrect info, which seems to be a common thing. So, I'm waiting to have my fish list approved by other more experienced posters in my fish compatibility post.
From what other posters have told me so far, it seems good. Not the tang though, they need a huge tank, or you'd have to get a juvenile & upgrade to a bigger tank when it gets bigger.


Even if you got a smaller one which when smaller they have a low rate of servival and most likely would have ill effect from being in a smaller tang for a longer period of time I would find a different fish if your not doing corals there are some nice angels that would look nice. I would recommend getting a book on fish which shows there needs and tank requirement and feeding need & what type of fish they get along with would be very helpful in picking your fish.


New Member
My tank stats read as follows
Alkalinity-reads as high
amonia level-.25
Can I put a cleaning crew in without them dying...what about fish? I am now thinking about getting a clown, flame angel, and lemonpeel angel...will this work can I put these all together...