Now that thats said, lets continue. You ahve a good start-go ahead and put your live sand in and let it settle down. Add something to start the cycle like a few flakes of fish food or toss in a shrimp from the freezer-before cooking-
Pick up some test kits. You will need one for ammonia, nitrites, nitrates, ph and a hydrometer or refractometer to measure salinity.
Your tank could cycle in 1 1/2 to two weeks, but remember, this is just the first cycle. Each time you add livestock and food to the tank, you will cause the bioload to increase and itwill take a while for the nitrifying bacteria to multiply adequatley to handle the load. This is why you start slowly-very slowly.
Back to testing. In a few days, you should see measurable ammonia
If the live sand is truly 'live' you will see some nitrites 2-3 days later. Keep testing the nitrites until they peak and then disappear. At this time, you should have measurable nitrates.
Do a partial water change, make sure there is no ammonia, no nitrites, your temp is 78-80, your specific gravity is 1.023- 1.025 and all filters pumps etc. are working properly.
NOW you can add your first fish. If your tank is small 10-30 gallons, I would only add one fish-wait a couple of days, then test for ammonia and nitrites again.
Wait another 3-5 days and test again for ammonia and nitrites.
If there are none, then you can add another live creature to your tank. Initially, it is safe to add a new additon every 10 days till tank reaches capacity-BUT make sure to keep measuring the tank parameters, and do a partial water change before making any new additions.
Good luck to you