New tank!


Active Member
I moved a few months ago, and took my 28 gallon mini-reef to my office while we were between houses and renovating the new place. Yesterday, I bought the system with which I'm going to replace the 28 at home...I'm just going to keep the little one at the office. I love it there, and so do my co-workers.
So yesterday I purchased a new 75 gallon setup on craigslist from a super nice guy who is being transferred overseas for work--only eight months after setting up his dream tank, which also happens to be my dreamtank. Here's the setup, as he described it:
"8-month old established 75-gallon complete mini-reef aquarium with refugium for sale. I am moving overseas and have to part with one of the most advanced Mini-reef aquariums in Minnesota. The entire system cost over $6000 to set up and is completely contained within a cherry oak cabinet/cannopy. The Aquarium includes the following:
75-gallon glass aquarium with cherry oak cannopy and cabinet
Almost 500 Watts of light: 2 150 Watt metal halide, 3 96 watt compact fluorescents (however the ballast on one of the 96 watt lights needs to be replaced), 3 let moon lamps. (splash guards included).
Complete cabinet and canopy cooling fans (the cabinet fans are thermostat controlled)
Refugium filtration which also includes very efficient protein skimmer, ozone generator and controller, UV 9 Watt sterilizer off a separate canister filter with bio wheel.
500 Watt thermostat heater
1/4 HP chiller (also thermostat controlled)"
He has some beautiful fish and corals that also come with the system.
And the whole setup was $1500, which is pretty much what you'd pay just for the lights and the chiller, and is about what have in my little 28 gallon at work!
I am psyched! But it's going to be a heck of long day when I pick this thing up...


Active Member
Thanks! Craigslist is fantastic for used equipment. It's amazing how often people move and have to get rid of a nice setup. In terms of gear, this thing is just beyond belief. There's a ton of equipment he didn't even list in the ad...ORP sensors, all manner of computerized automation equipment. I mean, he really went all out in a way that I would do only in my dreams.
Probably the nicest thing is that you can't see ANY of it. It's just ever so neatly (albeit tightly) packed into a beautiful cherry-stained stand and canopy. It's like a showpiece!
And we'll definitely post pictures once it's in. I'll be haunting for tips again in the coming months. You guys helped me set up a fantastic and very stable mini-system, and I look forward to picking your brains for tips on keeping all this new equipment running.