new tank


New Member
i have a 55 gallon tank 2 inches of carib-sea sand not live and a couple of rocks wii the tank cycle without live sand or rocks????


Active Member
You will need to either put in some dead krill, shrimp, or something that will decompose. I have even heard of actually pouring in a cup of your own pee??? I wouldn't recommend a damsel cause they are just a pain.


Active Member
I would reccomend against using urine, just add some raw uncooked shrimp or some fish food. you need something to create ammonia to begin the cycle

aztec reef

Active Member
all you need is a raw ucooked shimp, but keep in mind that if you ever want to add lr it has to be slowlly (few lbs at a time)or you will encounter a ammonia crisis and maybe a small re-cycle.


Active Member
just one piece of shrimp will do it, throw it in and let it rot. souds weird but thats how ya do it


New Member
my sand i bought at a fish store cost to much to ship. filter and test kit and things like that i bought online.