New Tank


Any recommendations on where the best prices are for a new tank? I am looking to purchase a 150 gallon with equipment.


I think your best shot is to look around locally . . . as mentioned, tanks are large and heavy, which equates to a huge shipping cost that could quickly push the total price for a low-cost tank bought elsewhere far beyond local MSRP. Tanks can also be relatively fragile so there is a bit of risk having one shipped from far away. At least if you're standing there looking at the tank you could get some idea if it's in satisfactory condition. Returns are also tremendously easier and cheaper if bought locally or semi-locally.
A lot of times stores will have sales, so hunt around . . . that's how we got ours. We were actually in another town nearly 100 miles from home on other business and decided to check out the local fish joints. Walked into one to be confronted with large colorful signs proclaiming a huge tank sale. Next thing I know, there's a 90g drilled AGA tank with canopy and stand being shoved into the back of my wife's Highlander.


New Member
TRUST ME!! go to your city, click on for sale and under key word, type in aquarium... YOU WILL GET A SMOKIN' DEAL!!