New Tank!!


I just got this 75 gal. RR.Its not new but its new to me.Its got about 90 to 100 pounds of live rock. Two 150 wat HQI halides and two 130 watt PCs.I cant wait to put fish and coral in it.


Active Member

You may want to consider a 'background' (dark blue or black) to help add 'depth' to the tank and help hide any items you don't necessarily want to be seen from the display/front.
VERY nice! What type of tank is your ultimate goal? A reef?


Originally Posted by Catawaba

You may want to consider a 'background' (dark blue or black) to help add 'depth' to the tank and help hide any items you don't necessarily want to be seen from the display/front.
VERY nice! What type of tank is your ultimate goal? A reef?
Yes this will be a reef tank.It will be number 2.I already have a 92 gal. bow front reef tank.This is number 4 saltwater tank.I have 2 in my basement.A 125 long and a 30 gal hex tank non reef.I would have 10 if my wife would let me.
And if I could afford it.