new tank


Looks cool. When you say "new" how new do you mean? Is the tank cycled? How long has the tank been up? How much LR? LS? I see at least 4 fish in there. How big is the tank and what is in it?
Sorry - I am not trying to be rude. I bet that you have have done your research and have most of these things covered, just trying to help out


I like the sunken ship and skull, too. I know a lot of reef keepers are against anything fake or unnatural-looking, but I think a well-placed sunken ship gives the tank some charm. ;)

b.m.w m5

New Member
its a 60g tank been running for 8 months.when i say "new" i mean new to this message board. I GOT 40LBS ofls&30lbs lr


Looks sweet. I assumed that you knew what you were up to, as your tank looks so nice and clean! But I just wanted to make sure, you'd be amazed what you read on the boards.
Keep us updated with pics


Active Member
Originally Posted by b.m.w m5
its a 60g tank been running for 8 months.when i say "new" i mean new to this message board. I GOT 40LBS ofls&30lbs lr
Welcome to the board, and great job on the tank!! Looks really cool...
Lisa :happyfish