New Tank


Im Buying A New Tank 75g. But What Should I Get As The Filter What It Should Be ? Im Planning To Get A Tank With Holes So Whats The Best For That?are Cannisters Good Or Does It Have To Be A Box? I Reaaly Just Don't Know The Actual Names And What They Do Little Help Please?


ussually if you gte a drilled tank you wouldn't use a canister, you would use a wet dry or some kind of sump/refugium, i think.


If the tank is drilled then you'll want to go with a sump/refugium idea. The reason being the more water volume you have the more stable your system.
Wet/Drys just don't hold enough water to be extremely useful. As far as filters go, you really only need Live Rock as a filter, about 1-2 lbs. per gallon of water, no need for mechanical filtration on a SW tank.