New Tank!!!


Active Member
Got my new tank yesterday. a 40 gal breeder. Was 85.99. But I got it for the special price of free BRAND NEW! Got it free cuz I used my rewards card.
neways whats the best 6 bulb light fixture to get for this tank? T5s.

And im gonna go with a sump/refugeium on this tank. So what kind of overblow box do I need? I havent ever had a sump or refuge so IDK what im doing .I dont know how to drill glas so dont wanna deal with that


Active Member
As far as an overflow goes...check out lifereef overflows. On my 40 breeder I'm using Aquactinics t-5's and I really like them. The only t-5's I would rather have are the ATI units. Hope this helps.