New Tank?

This new tank that we just set up on sat(9/20/08) has a pH that is waaaaay to high. how do you think i should take care of this. Should i do a water change,or just leave it alone. it doesnt have anything in it,not even LR or LS.
When we were filling the tank we fillled it about half way full then dumped the rest of the salt in. And it left these lines/stains on the glass, that brings me to my next question HOW DO I GET THEM OFF? i tried to scrubb them off with my singer but that didnt work, so should i use a razor blade?Has any one ever had this happen? Any information helps.


Active Member
livesand will help to buffer the pH,...What test kit did you use to measure the pH?...Something sounds kinda odd about having to scrape stuff of the glass, which salt did you use and how much did you use, whats your salinity readings?
Originally Posted by maxalmon
livesand will help to buffer the pH,...What test kit did you use to measure the pH?...Something sounds kinda odd about having to scrape stuff of the glass, which salt did you use and how much did you use, whats your salinity readings?
The Test Kit i used was The Saltwater Master Liquid test kit. I used the Reef Crystalsalt mix,1/2 cup of salt to 1 gallon of water. I didnt check the salinety because we just filled the tank with the exact recommended amount of salt.
Originally Posted by Shaggyblz

Did you add scoops of salt to your aquarium, or pre mixed water?
We measured the exact amount of salt into a tubaware container and when the tank was half way full of water we dumped it in.


The stains on the glass I believe are from the undissolved salt. It is better to mix the salt and water before hand to let the salt completely dissolve before adding to the tank.