New Tank


I just converted my Chiclid tank to Salt, I got 60 lbs of LR and 30 lbs of LS from a 8 year old tank, will the cycle be the same? I have a bunch of Aiptasia and red centipede's? Should I worry about getting something to eat them soon? Will everything just die through Nitrate and Nitrite spikes? Do I need to add a Damsel? Thank you.

mr . salty

Active Member
If all that sand and rock came right out of an established tank,you shouldn't have any cycle at all...If you do it will be a small one...Thosered centapeades are actually BRISTLE WORMS.And as long as they are relativly small(under three or four inches) they shouldn't cause any harm at all.They actually help keep the sand clean and airated...


Active Member
Bristle worms are fine...And for the aiptasia, you need to get something workin on it ASAP. I just got a few peppermint shrimp and within 2 weeks they had the tank completely clean! You dont need a damsel to start the cycle, you can use either a dead uncooked shrimp (the kind you can get from your local grocery store) or a damsel. Just keep an eye on you water perams over the next couple weeks.


Thanks guys, In fact I do have a worm or 2 of substantial length and when I get all my test kits I will see what the water conditions look like and add an Arrow Crab and Peppermint Shrimp, maybe a Racoon. I saw at night with a flashlight, the big worm is almost clear in color, my wife freaked.

mr . salty

Active Member
You really should wait till you are sure the tank is not cycling before you add inverts.And that Racoon butterfly should also wait for awhile.Although the racoon will make a quick job of getting the aptaisia problem under controle,they are not a very hardy fish.High ammo,or nitrites could kill it...


Active Member
I'd leave everything alone for now, don't add anything, and test for 2 weeks, like Mr Salty said you may not get a cycle at all or maybe a mini one. Once you are sure you are either not going to have one or the cycle is over then you can start adding stuff. Great way to start a tank! You'll have a jump start on those who had to wait, wait wait out that cycle. And don't change water during this time. When you know it is safe to add, put in the aiptasia eaters first, gotta get rid of that nasty stuff.


Once again thank you for the helpful advice, I am patient and realize I need to wait to take care of these problems. I am just planning ahead. I see tons of tiny translucent shrimp and a bunch of womrs, I guess since they've been around since the beginning my tank can't be too toxic.


Just got all my test kits going and was wondering if I need to change some water out. My Nitrites are 0 but the Nitrates are high, the tank has been up since Sat June 15th, with 60 lbs of LR and 30 lbs of LS from an an 8 yr old tank. Life seems to be thriving, bristle worms, a snail and my used Damsel, should I ride it out a while or do a water change?? Thanks guys, you've been quite informative.


New Member
Since the tank has only been running for 5 days, I believe you are having that "mini cycle". You didn't give your Ammonia parameters, have you tested for ammonia yet? You do not need to do a water change yet. The high nitrates is part of the cycle.


I haven't tested for Ammonia yet. I put in new carbon in my Fluval canister and bet it's fine, but will test it soon. I was also wondering, I have a chance to get a great deal on a skimmer, when would I need to start using it, after the cycle?